Ziani + Tauri presents

4 Signing Off

The Stickers Update

Versions E44DCA (Digital Classic), E44DCB (Digital Single-Page), E24PC (Physical)

Read previous changes for the Second Edition and Third Edition.


Hey, Stickers!

Three new basic spreads on Stickers foray into OVERPAY, intended to increase awareness for sticker-based skin design.

Read the full changenotes below.



Information is presented in a more consistent format where applicable, providing for a better reading experience, alongside reworks of older spreads.

Read the full changenotes below.

the Fourth Edition Notes

Last updated July 13th 6:00 PM GMT+1 
Page numbers noted for the Classic Variation E44DCA. 
Omitted pages will have their original page numbers noted. (+) indicates added pages. (-) indicates removed pages. (f.) indicates page number before page shift.

What’s new?

ADDITION Introduced a new four-page Stickers section with subtitles Sticker Editing and Sticker Styles. The Sticker Layering spread has been consolidated to a single page to make room for the Holographic Masking section.

(1 Technicals, 1.2 Internal Technicals: 62+  – 65+)

ADDITION The Practicals chapter now features two additional pages on Stickers in an attempt to increase awareness on sticker-based skin design for new designers. This spread includes information on Stickers in-game, as per all content in the Practicals chapter.

(2 Practicals, 2.2 Game Practicals: 86+, 87+)

REMOVAL Omitted the Terminology and Online Safety section permanently. This section was deemed irrelevant in conjunction with the goal of the guide.

(3 Socials: f. 88-, 89-)

ADDITION Added a new Sticker Crafts spread in the economy sections of the Socials chapter, now extended by two pages. Alongside the Practicals addition, this change is intended to aid newcomers to CS:GO in understanding the significance of Stickers when paired with Weapon Finishes, and is in no way intended for people already well-aware of the CS:GO economy, market, and trading (as with everything economic in the Socials chapter).

(3 Socials: 104+, 105+)

ADDITION The FAQ has been extended to include a short Sticker section.

(3 Socials: 140+)


UPDATE Paragraphs using Vista Sans in information boxes no longer feature upper case titling to differentiate them from sidenotes.


UPDATE Corrected usage of Roman type across the entire project.

UPDATE Allocated more white space on certain pages.

UPDATE Extended page counter width to 12 mm for increased visual separation and clarity at smaller scales.

UPDATE Visually adjusted all lists. Lists referring to images, informational sections, and similar will feature blue highlighting to indicate further detailing elsewhere (further down the page or on the next page). Static lists containing information within are more consistent in design.

(31, 32, 39, f. 64, f. 66, f. 76, f. 78, f. 80, f. 82, f. 83, f. 86, f. 90, f. 102, f. 107, f. 108, f. 112, f. 113, f. 116, f. 118)

CORRECTION Hyperlinks for Normal Mapping and Truevision Targa on the Contents page now correctly redirect to the appropriate pages (16, previously 6).

(Contents: 6, 7)

UPDATE The foreword now includes a year. This change ensures the foreword is future-proof.

(Foreword: 9) 

UPDATE Adjusted spacing for the Normal Mapping section.

(1 Technicals, 1.1 External Technicals: 17)

UPDATE Added a small bridge featuring the three main mapping methods presented on page 20.

(1 Technicals, 1.1 External Technicals: 19)

UPDATE Altered page styling to better match established design rules of later Editions.

(1 Technicals, 1.1 External Technicals: 20 – 21)

UPDATE Altered page styling in conjunction with list styling change.

(1 Technicals, 1.1 External Technicals: 20 – 23)


UPDATE Altered paragraph styling for added consistency.

(1 Technicals, 1.1 External Technicals: 24)


UPDATE Altered page styling in conjunction with list styling change.

(1 Technicals, 1.1 External Technicals: 31)

UPDATE Specified Photoshop version (Photoshop CC 2022) for “Did you know?” note to prevent future confusion in response to Adobe announcement on 3D tools removal (of which normal map generation is included).

(1 Technicals, 1.1 External Technicals: 33)

UPDATE The Randomization intro has been expanded to include mention of the Paint by Color and Workbench system.

(1 Technicals, 1.2 Internal Technicals: 37)

UPDATE Swapped the Paint by Color and Sequential Application spread placements for improved reading flow.

(1 Technicals, 1.2 Internal Technicals: 44, 45 & 46, 47)

UPDATE Altered page styling to better match established design rules of later Editions.

(1 Technicals, 1.2 Internal Technicals: 47)

UPDATE The color-example provided has been rewritten to be more concise.

(1 Technicals, 1.2 Internal Technicals: 47)

UPDATE Altered page styling to better match newly established design rules of later Editions for the entire Finish Styles section.

(1 Technicals, 1.2 Internal Technicals: 52 – 59)

UPDATE Altered page styling in conjunction with list styling change.

(1 Technicals, 1.1 External Technicals: 60, 61)

UPDATE The Rarity banner has been adjusted in size and location to better match established design rules.

(2 Practicals, 1.2 Game Practicals: 69) (f. 65)

CORRECTION Zaphk and OniLolz are now correctly credited for their work on The Empress for the Physical Edition. This change was already present in E13PC.

(2 Practicals, 1.2 Game Practicals: 70, 71) (f. 66, 67)

UPDATE Image framing adjusted.

(2 Practicals, 2.1 Pattern Practicals: 75) (f. 71)

UPDATE Reworked the Saturation section to better match later Editions visually. Certain language cues have also been refined.

(2 Practicals:, 2.1 Pattern Practicals 76 – 79) (f. 72 – 75)

UPDATE Adjusted page formatting significantly. The chronology of content (Keys and Trade Up Contract sections) is now correct.

(2 Practicals:, 2.1 Pattern Practicals 82, 83) (f. 78, 89)

UPDATE Introduced the Trade Up Contract Float formula. Previous Editions only noted a correlation between input and output float values. This change seeks to solidify the correlation. The formula is originally attributed to various members of the community (u/lurker111111 on Reddit, Serg and Roadrunner on Steam, and TrilluXe. The formula was validated before inclusion in the book.

(2 Practicals:, 2.1 Pattern Practicals 82) (f. 78)

MINOR ADDITION Introduced Sticker Capsules under Containers to match the introduction of 4 new spreads on Stickers.

(2 Practicals:, 2.1 Pattern Practicals 82, 83) (f. 78, 89)

UPDATE Altered page styling in conjunction with list styling change.

(2 Practicals, 2.2 Game Practicals: 86, 87) (f. 80, 81)

UPDATE Altered paragraph styling for added consistency.

(2 Practicals, 2.2 Game Practicals: 88, 89) (f. 82, 83)

UPDATE Added a reference to Applied Stickers under the Value & Worth section.

(3 Socials, 3.1 Economic Socials: 94 – 95) (f. 90 – 91)

UPDATE The Paint-by-Color variants of each texture are now 100% accurate to their in-game counterparts.

(3 Socials, 3.1 Economic Socials: 96 – 102) (f. 92 – 98)

UPDATE Altered page styling to better match newly established design rules of later Editions for the entire Randomized Value section.

(3 Socials, 3.1 Economic Socials: 96 – 102) (f. 92 – 98)

UPDATE Minor rewrites of specific areas of the Randomized Value section, mainly in conjunction with knife types for each finish presented. Previous Editions placed too much emphasis on which collections each finish could be found in. In this update, each finish includes a listing of which of the three knife types (base-game, Prisma, Shattered Web) are adorned in the finish.

(3 Socials, 3.1 Economic Socials: 96 – 102) (f. 92 – 98)

UPDATE Reworked page from scratch. The Gamma Doppler section now includes an image of an M9 Bayonet Gamma Doppler, alongside a redone visual aid for the Paint by Color example.

(3 Socials, 3.1 Economic Socials: 97) (f. 93)

UPDATE Rewritten Case Hardened section.

(3 Socials, 3.1 Economic Socials: 102) (f. 98)

UPDATE Updated the Workshop Figures section to include July 2022 numbers contrasted with previous July 2020 numbers for added information.

(3 Socials, 3.1 Economic Socials: 110, 111) (f. 104, 105)

UPDATE The Creation Guidelines section now includes a rewritten mention of “Tonally dissonant material”. This change better reflects Valve’s more open view on finishes over the last years.

(3 Socials, 3.1 Workshop Socials: 113) (f. 107)

UPDATE The Creation Guidelines section is now sticker-inclusive (“items” instead of “finishes” when applicable).

(3 Socials, 3.1 Workshop Socials: 113) (f. 107)

UPDATE The Creation Process section is now sticker-inclusive (“items” instead of “finishes” when applicable).

(3 Socials, 3.1 Workshop Socials: 113) (f. 107)

UPDATE Removed a direct reference to the author for consistency.

(3 Socials, 3.1 Workshop Socials: 114) (f. 108)

UPDATE Minor improvements to grammar.

(3 Socials, 3.1 Workshop Socials: 114) (f. 108)

UPDATE Swapped a word.

(3 Socials, 3.1 Workshop Socials: 116) (f. 110)

UPDATE Image framing adjusted.

(3 Socials, 3.1 Workshop Socials: 117) (f. 111)

UPDATE Altered page styling in conjunction with list styling change.

(1 Technicals, 1.1 External Technicals: 122, 123) (f. 116, 117)

UPDATE Reintroduced reference to Frostbug’s Skin Testing Tools (formerly Frostbite’s Skin Loader) under Community Resources.

(3 Socials, 3.1 Workshop Socials: 124) (f. 118)

UPDATE The 2Minds’ interview section has been updated to reflect crediting Zaphk and OniLolz for the Physical Edition. This change was already present in E13PC.

(3 Socials, 3.1 Workshop Socials: 130) (f. 124)

Additional Updates

The Physical Edition and Single-Page variation will receive the Fourth Edition update soon.

Previous Digital editions are still available for free under the Legacy tab*:

  • E44DC Fourth Digital Edition

    • E44DCA Classic Variation

    • E44DCB Single-Page Variation

  • Legacy Editions

    • E33DCA Third Digital Edition (Classic)

    • E33DCB Third Digital Edition (Single-Page)

    • E22DCA Second Digital Edition (Classic)

    • E22DCB Second Digital Edition (Single-Page)

    • E11DC First Digital Edition

*Legacy editions of the Physical Edition are not available once updated.