the Definitive Guide on the Weapon Finish.
140+ pages on everything you need to know about skin creation and stickers.
Download the Digital Edition for free, or purchase the softcover version on Amazon. Equivalent to the Fourth Digital Edition.
EN OVERPAY is the most comprehensive guide on everything you need to know about skin creation and is designed to be used by artists and creators alike, whether new to the craft or with prior experience. Each part can be read on its own, allowing for easy consultation of the guide when creating skins.
RU OVERPAY — это подробнейший гайд про всё, что нужно знать о создании скинов. Руководство составлено так, чтобы им могли воспользоваться художники любых направлений — как с опытом работы над материалами для CS:GO, так и без него. Каждый раздел гайда самостоятелен, так что им удобно пользоваться, быстро обращаясь к нужным пунктам. Чтобы узнать о руководстве на русском подробнее, перейдите по ссылке.
BR OVERPAY é o guia mais compreensível com tudo que você precisa saber para criar skins, e foi feito para ser usado por artistas e pessoas criativas - tanto iniciante quanto alguém que já tenha experiência. Cada parte pode ser lida de forma independente, assim é mais fácil de consultar o guia e tirar dúvidas pontuais na hora de criar uma skin.
Video by 3kliksphilip.
1 Technicals
An understanding of the core technical principles of weapon finishes can often improve the quality of finishes without altering the art present on the work itself.
2 Practicals
The implementation of weapon finishes in-game can often provide artists with a better understanding of the finish creation process.
3 Socials
The Counter-Strike community is an undoubtedly significant pillar responsible for defining weapon finish trends and finish value.
Digital in its nature, The Definitive Guide on the Weapon Finish is a continually updated work as the medium continues to change.*
*Restricted to seasonal editions and when change is deemed necessary.
View the most recent updates to the guide here.